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For higher-attaining pupils:
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Here are some related resources in alphabetical order. Some may only be appropriate for high-attaining learners while others will be useful for those in need of support. Click anywhere in the grey area to access the resource.
Click on a topic below for suggested lesson Starters, resources and activities from Transum.
Here are some suggestions for whole-class, projectable resources which can be used at the beginnings of each lesson in this block.
Calculations appear on the screen every few seconds. This mental arithmetic starter provides pace to the start of the Maths lesson.
Arrange the numbers 1 to 14 in the circles so that the sums are correct.
A lamp and a bulb together cost 32 pounds. The lamp costs 30 pounds more than the bulb. How much does the bulb cost?
Which numbers can be made with the buttons which have not yet dropped off this calculator?
Arrange the numbers on the grid of squares so that the totals along each line of three squares are equal.
Find as many sets of three of the available numbers as possible which add up to the given total.
Some of the Starters above are to reinforce concepts learnt, others are to introduce new ideas while others are on unrelated topics designed for retrieval practice or and opportunity to develop problem-solving skills.