Tablesmaster Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tablesmaster in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Cc19 seconds
Cc19 seconds
Cc20 seconds
Am4g20 seconds
Fien20 seconds

3 Times Table

Cc21 seconds
Cc31 seconds
Ewan44 seconds
Isno47 seconds
Dja79 seconds

4 Times Table

Cc22 seconds
Cc25 seconds
Cc28 seconds
Cc31 seconds
Cc33 seconds

5 Times Table

Cc21 seconds
vla26 seconds
Cc26 seconds
Dan27 seconds
Vlad28 seconds

6 Times Table

Cc27 seconds
A1840 seconds
Lil42 seconds
Lis43 seconds
Tayl56 seconds

7 Times Table

J R16 seconds
J R17 seconds
Mori17 seconds
J R18 seconds
J R22 seconds

8 Times Table

Xavv30 seconds
Cc36 seconds
Cill39 seconds
Ewan42 seconds
Tayl42 seconds

9 Times Table

1 Xa25 seconds
Cc27 seconds
Xavv28 seconds
704328 seconds
Xavv30 seconds

10 Times Table

Skib22 seconds
Anon25 seconds
Ame25 seconds
Bob29 seconds
29 seconds

11 Times Table

Long18 seconds
Zac24 seconds
Max27 seconds
Anon27 seconds
Will28 seconds

12 Times Table

Vinc25 seconds
Ame31 seconds
Jd 336 seconds
M42 seconds
Han42 seconds

13 Times Table

Will31 seconds
Cc35 seconds
Cc38 seconds
Mh4g42 seconds
Cc44 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tablesmaster

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

Average time taken by all the people who have ever attempted Tablesmaster :

57 seconds Number of Seconds
57 seconds Number of Seconds
63 seconds Number of Seconds
54 seconds Number of Seconds
61 seconds Number of Seconds
64 seconds Number of Seconds
67 seconds Number of Seconds
59 seconds Number of Seconds
10  44 seconds Number of Seconds
11  38 seconds Number of Seconds
12  69 seconds Number of Seconds
13  98 seconds Number of Seconds

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program