Fast Factors Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Fast Factors in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Hiii16 seconds
Emma16 seconds
Gee17 seconds
Me20 seconds
Gee20 seconds

3 Times Table

Ruby30 seconds
Jade38 seconds
Jade40 seconds
Jade46 seconds
Ruby50 seconds

4 Times Table

19 seconds
Anon20 seconds
Epic21 seconds
Epic21 seconds
Jeff22 seconds

5 Times Table

Hiii17 seconds
Evie20 seconds
Fun23 seconds
Hr27 seconds
Rose44 seconds

6 Times Table

Len23 seconds
Cody23 seconds
Boof25 seconds
Mila44 seconds
Lala63 seconds

7 Times Table

Lee25 seconds
Lee27 seconds
Lee30 seconds
Irej30 seconds
Lee31 seconds

8 Times Table

Len19 seconds
Len25 seconds
Tank34 seconds
Kh39 seconds
Cody40 seconds

9 Times Table

Gger18 seconds
Daks20 seconds
Dex21 seconds
Dex22 seconds
Irej24 seconds

10 Times Table

Hiii14 seconds
Supp14 seconds
Yo14 seconds
Gger15 seconds
Evi16 seconds

11 Times Table

Daks14 seconds
20 seconds
Max20 seconds
Kh23 seconds
Cool25 seconds

12 Times Table

Sfle16 seconds
Sfle17 seconds
Sfle18 seconds
Sfle19 seconds
Sfle19 seconds

13 Times Table

Len22 seconds
Cody26 seconds
Aahi46 seconds
Gigi53 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Fast Factors

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program