Tables Dash Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tables Dash in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Drag530 points
Leo 438 points
Hunt421 points
Damo417 points
Prab410 points

3 Times Table

23da334 points
Onge326 points
Godd311 points
Marc310 points

4 Times Table

Shan613 points
Onge332 points
Godd327 points
Marc311 points

5 Times Table

Leo 669 points
23sp633 points
Shan594 points
23ma518 points
Leo 516 points

6 Times Table

Onge328 points
23sy316 points
Marc312 points

7 Times Table

Godd479 points
Jack405 points
Onge399 points
Nomc348 points
Enid308 points

8 Times Table

Shan504 points
Onge352 points
Leo 348 points
Dani336 points

9 Times Table

Soha378 points
Isia348 points
Onge332 points
Supe-1 points

10 Times Table

Leo 458 points
Jona423 points
Onge420 points
Dani409 points
Blak390 points

11 Times Table

Onge643 points
23ch619 points
M241464 points
Liam431 points
Soha408 points

12 Times Table

Onge388 points
Appl304 points

13 Times Table

Onge396 points
Afif313 points

Play again to improve your time: Tables Dash

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash.


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