Tablesmaster Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tablesmaster in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Noob15 seconds
G F15 seconds
Noob16 seconds
L20 seconds
L21 seconds

3 Times Table

Noob17 seconds
Arma24 seconds
Mum26 seconds
Mum30 seconds
Mash64 seconds

4 Times Table

Noob18 seconds
Isaa52 seconds
Isaa55 seconds
Isaa57 seconds
Isaa58 seconds

5 Times Table

Noob19 seconds
Eid23 seconds
Anon24 seconds
Hi24 seconds
Eid25 seconds

6 Times Table

Jona35 seconds
Jona36 seconds
Jona38 seconds
Jona39 seconds
Jona39 seconds

7 Times Table

J R19 seconds
Noob21 seconds
J R24 seconds
Belo52 seconds
Mika67 seconds

8 Times Table

Hi28 seconds
Mm33 seconds
Hi37 seconds
Mars47 seconds
Haze132 seconds

9 Times Table

Noob23 seconds
Hi32 seconds
Man61 seconds
Andr68 seconds

10 Times Table

Nyth13 seconds
Fotu14 seconds
Jay15 seconds
Noob16 seconds
Hi18 seconds

11 Times Table

Sam20 seconds
Sam21 seconds
L22 seconds
Call22 seconds
Sam22 seconds

12 Times Table

Noob18 seconds
Cyaw27 seconds
Mash50 seconds
Kate61 seconds
1234148 seconds

13 Times Table

Jack25 seconds
Jack26 seconds
Andr31 seconds
Andr33 seconds
Andr33 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tablesmaster

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash.


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