Tablesmaster Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tablesmaster in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Cr5m22 seconds
Anon23 seconds
Cr5m23 seconds
Hi24 seconds
Hi24 seconds

3 Times Table

Hi32 seconds
Alee36 seconds
Ley50 seconds
Slay70 seconds

4 Times Table

Hi31 seconds
5mcc36 seconds
5mcc70 seconds
5mcc101 seconds

5 Times Table

Hi28 seconds
5mcc29 seconds
Hi31 seconds
Me!!31 seconds
5mcc31 seconds

6 Times Table

Hi30 seconds
Anon32 seconds
Avi36 seconds
Kere116 seconds

7 Times Table

Hi32 seconds
Hi33 seconds
Avi37 seconds

8 Times Table

Hi27 seconds
Hi30 seconds

9 Times Table

Hi30 seconds
Ley32 seconds
Ley35 seconds
Ley35 seconds
Ley36 seconds

10 Times Table

Hi23 seconds
5mcc24 seconds
Hi25 seconds
Jess25 seconds
Slay25 seconds

11 Times Table

Mr5622 seconds
Hi23 seconds
Mr5624 seconds
Hi24 seconds
D26 seconds

12 Times Table

Hi33 seconds
Cr5m34 seconds
Cr5m35 seconds
Anon36 seconds
Cr5m36 seconds

13 Times Table

Hi62 seconds
Chen76 seconds
Anon82 seconds
Sc5m95 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tablesmaster

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash.


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