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Year 8 Scheme of Learning


Multiplying and dividing fractions

Term 1 starting in week 5 :: Estimated time: 2 weeks

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Activities for pupils

Here are some related resources in alphabetical order. Some may only be appropriate for high-attaining learners while others will be useful for those in need of support. Click anywhere in the grey area to access the resource.

Click on a topic below for suggested lesson Starters, resources and activities from Transum.

Lesson Starters

Here are some suggestions for whole-class, projectable resources which can be used at the beginnings of each lesson in this block.

1st Lesson


Memor Sea

Twelve numbers in a seascape need to be memorised in order to answer the five questions.

2nd Lesson


Small Satisfaction

Arrange the digits one to nine in the grid so that they obey the row and column headings.

3rd Lesson


Lemon Law

Change the numbers on the apples so that the number on the lemon is the given total.

4th Lesson


Letters in a Number

Questions about the number of letters in numbers.

5th Lesson


Consecy Brothers

Which three consecutive numbers multiplied together give the given answer.

6th Lesson


Eleven Plus Two

Rearrange the letters in the expression 'Eleven Plus Two' to make another expression with the same value.

Some of the Starters above are to reinforce concepts learnt, others are to introduce new ideas while others are on unrelated topics designed for retrieval practice or and opportunity to develop problem-solving skills.

White Rose Resources
White Rose Mathematics

End of block assessments provide a quick progress check at the end of each block of learning to make sure students have understood the content covered.

This Scheme of Learning was produced by White Rose Maths and is used here with permission granted on 30th June 2021. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program