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Search results for 'Venn Diagram'

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Human Venn Diagrams

Human Venn Diagrams

Pupils move to positions in large circles on the floor according to their personal data.

Number Systems

Number Systems

Place the numbers in the correct sets in this concentric circles Venn diagram.

Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram

Place each of the numbers 1 to 16 on the correct regions on the Venn diagram.

Venn Diagram of Sequences

Venn Diagram of Sequences

Find the formula for the nth term of sequences that belong in the given sets.

Venn Diagram Pairs

Venn Diagram Pairs

The traditional pairs or pelmanism game adapted to test knowledge of Venn diagrams.

Venn Paint

Venn Paint

Flood fill the regions of the Venn diagrams according to the given statements.

Venn Totals

Venn Totals

Practise reading and creating Venn diagrams containing two and three sets and the number of elements in those sets.

Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram

Arrange numbers on the Venn Diagram according to their properties.

Venn Graphs

Venn Graphs

Type the equation of a graph into each section of the Venn diagram.

What Question?

What Question?

Write down all the possible questions that could have been asked if this was the Venn diagram provided in a mathematics exam.

National Curriculum

Curriculum Statement

Pupils should be taught to enumerate sets and unions/intersections of sets systematically, using tables, grids and Venn diagrams

Venn Worksheet

Venn Worksheet

A collection of worksheets all related to the regions in Venn diagrams and the set notation describing them (answers included)

No information about any Transum Newsletters containing this search term.

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