Use the following keys:
'W' to move up.
'S' to move down.
'A' to move left
'D' to move right.
This is a game for two players (the player names are editable). First choose the times table you want to practice by clicking a link below. The idea is to then find the multiples in the correct order by moving the token over the multiple before the other player does.
Use the arrow keys or the number pad on the right of the keyboard.
There is nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun while revising times table facts. This game has been produced to provide a little excitement while you race to find multiples of 4. It is great fun for either one or two players. It makes a nice starting or finishing activity for a Mathematics lesson. Use the buttons above to select the times table most in need of practice. Your mission is then to find all the multiples in the correct order by moving the tokens over the grid. When all the multiples have been found a trophy is available. If two people have been playing the game, the player who found the most multiples can claim the trophy. This game should provide light relief from your serious studies and learning the times tables. It is just one of the activities recommended to help your mental Mathematics. Go to our main Times Tables page to see some of the other activities we suggest you should try. The learning is most effective if you do these activities for ten or fifteen minutes each day. Here are some activities you could enjoy right now: |
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Karen Donnelly, Twitter
Saturday, August 12, 2017