Valentine's Puzzle

Valentine Image

Saint Valentine's Day falls on February 14 each year. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards anonymously.

Four boys each sent a card to a different girl.

Pair up the boys and girls!


A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Topics: Starter | Logic

  • Liz, Somerset
  • Good one, nice to have a topical one for Valentine's Day
  • Nuala, Leeds Girls High School
  • My Year 7 class loved this puzzle.
    They had loads of correct methods.
  • Michaela, Our Lady's Grammar School, Newry
  • Great puzzle! My first year Maths class loved it!
  • J Rssl, Our Lady Of The Missions Primary School
  • I would love to see more like this I found it a really fun way to start maths time and to go on at home!!! :).
  • Beth W, Birkenhead High School
  • I am a year 5 and I absolutely adored the puzzle it was really easy :) :P.
  • Georgina Blanchard, West Kirby Grammer School For Girls
  • I loved this puzzle I got it in seconds.
  • Bob Paul, C1
  • Great really loved it so did the class.
  • Year 7, Burnside BEC
  • We are year 7 and found this puzzle challenging and fun!!
  • AllontheBoard, Twitter
  • James, Ashton
  • My suggestion is to hint to students who are stuck to a two-way table and filling in crosses for combinations that don't work.
  • Y10, WKGS
  • "This was the best thing I have ever done"
    "I heart two way tables"
    "10 out of 10"
    Just some of the quotes from Year 10.
  • Kevin, Kevin
  • Great Puzzle! Really using your logic senses here!
  • Aahana,
  • It was really fun and easy to do this question! I remember when my year 5 teacher used to make us all do Transum Maths! Miss those days...

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Previous Day | This starter is for 14 February | Next Day



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Note to teacher: Doing this activity once with a class helps students develop strategies. It is only when they do this activity a second time that they will have the opportunity to practise those strategies. That is when the learning is consolidated. Click the button above to randomly regenerate another version of this starter from our database of names.


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Love Maths Puzzle?

It is perfect for Valentine's Day.

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