Three Make 1000

Choose three different numbers from the table then add them together.

314 272 327 277
419 341 322 346
304 355 382 332
377 391 286 313

How many different ways are there of making 1000?

[Note to teacher: Click on the numbers above to select them. Correct solutions will be recorded above
but the application does not check for repeats or the same numbers added in a different order.

The Three Calculating Musketeers

Topics: Starter | Arithmetic

  • The Best Maths Class Ever. 7cd/M2, King Alfred's College. Oxfordshire.
  • It was fun but sir didn't like this one because he only got 1 !!! Molly says, 'I think we should do similar ones to this'. Danny managed to find 5 different combinations which we thought was EXCELLENT...
  • Karina, St.Johns Primary
  • We managed to find 6 combinations.
  • Mr Fairhead, The Mountbatten School
  • My Year 8 class worked on this independently and we then shared our solutions. They managed to find 9 different solutions. I "accidently" forgot to show the bit about using a calculator, which made the results all the more rewarding!
  • Mrs Ward And 7X2, Eaton Bank School, Congleton
  • We found 9 combos altogther!
  • Mrs L Kirkwood, Sir Henry Fermor CE Primary
  • My Year 5 class have just worked on this activity. They were not allowed calculators and we came up with 9 solutions! Well done 5M.
  • Mary Yeboah, Home
  • It was a lovely starter . Miss forgot to show us the calculator part so it was even better.
  • Miss M, The Meadows
  • This is Miss M from The Meadows - despite some of the negative comments from my year 9 class - we love The Starter of the Day and enjoy the tasks - thanks for all your hard work on this.
  • Mrs F, Sevenoaks
  • First day of term and my class found 10 solutions! Well done Year 6!
  • Mr Fraser & Class 10 (Y5), West Park Academy, Darlington
  • In Class 10 (Year 5) we managed to find 10 different combinations!
  • The Best Yr8 Maths Class, King Alfreds Academy. EAST SITE
  • Was good fun. We found 10 which we think is excellent in just ten minutes. We challenge any school can do better....
  • Mr Kavanagh's Fifth Class, Cork, Ireland
  • Our class found six different sums, however if we include rearrangements of the numbers within the sums, we got thirty six.
  • Mr Williams, Winterfold House School
  • We got all 11. Everyone in the class got at least 2 answers.
  • Transum,
  • Thanks to everyone for making the comments and as a result the instruction to a calculator has been removed. It is now up to the teacher to declare whether or not a calculator can be used. This makes a worthwhile pencil and paper calculation practice but even with the of a calculator it is expected that the mental process involved in deciding which numbers are likely candidates is also worthwhile.
  • Mrs Lovatt, Killinghall CE Primary
  • Year 5 and 6 loved this challenge, especially trying to beat the year 8s with calculators! They managed to find all 9.
  • J6 Numeracy Class, Sidcot School
  • Year 6 class found 10 solutions :).
  • Mrs Hogarth, Parkhead Primary School, Scotland
  • We managed to find 11 different combinations in 15 minutes! My pupils really enjoy starters like this!
  • Mr Mills, Homewood School
  • My yr 11 class only got 4 but it was their 1st lesson back after the holiday. Well done Josh, Ella, Jake and Liam who got our combinations.
  • Penllwyn Primary, Twitter
  • P7, Sullivan Prep
  • Loved this! We found 6 ways in 10 minutes. One pupil was quicker than the teacher! It was good for discussing strategies.
  • Mrs Fox, Park View Primary
  • 10 ways found!
  • Miss King, Kirkcudbright Primary School
  • We managed to find nine different methods! Woohoo!
  • Darcey, Guy And Suzie, Yarrells School, Poole, UK
  • Our Year 5s loved this one. Darcey, Guy and Suzie solved it 1st! Well done!

How did you use this starter? Can you suggest how teachers could present or develop this resource? Do you have any comments? It is always useful to receive feedback and helps make this free resource even more useful for Maths teachers anywhere in the world.
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Previous Day | This starter is for 24 April | Next Day



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Note to teacher: Doing this activity once with a class helps students develop strategies. It is only when they do this activity a second time that they will have the opportunity to practise those strategies. That is when the learning is consolidated. Click the button above to regenerate another version of this starter from random numbers.

Too Easy?

Try "Four Make 999", it's a little harder!

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Laptops In Lessons

Teacher, do your students have access to computers such as tablets, iPads or Laptops?  This page was really designed for projection on a whiteboard but if you really want the students to have access to it here is a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments:

However it would be better to assign one of the student interactive activities below.

Laptops In Lessons

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