Finding a good personal loan requires an ability to calculate percentage and this page provides some practice.
A number of simple percentage calculations are given. The answers are in pairs. Which is the odd one out?
Simple percentage questions appear on screen then fade every 8 seconds. This Starter is customisable.
Work out which is the best scheme for Sid to choose for his summer bonus. One scheme involves a common misconception about percentages.
A customised online calculator for quickly finding the solutions to compound interest problems.
This self-marking quiz requires you to work out what one quantity is as a percentage of a second quantity.
Match the fraction with the equivalent percentage. A drag and drop self marking exercise.
The traditional pairs or Pelmanism game adapted to test knowledge of simple fractions and their equivalent percentages.
Revise the methods for converting fractions to decimals and percentages.
An exercise on converting fractions to decimals, decimals to percentages and percentages to fractions.
Construct the pipes using a set number of pieces with lengths given as fractions, decimals or percentages.
Test your understanding of using percentages with this self marking quiz about percentage change.
A multi-level quiz on finding percentages. The lower level questions can be done mentally while the highest level questions require a calculator.
Practise calculating simple percentages in your head with this animated visual aid.
If you can picture in your mind what a percentage looks like you may be better able to preform mental calculations.
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