Transum Software

Easter Logic Puzzle

Solve this challenging deduction logic puzzle to accurately find out who, where and what.

Easter Egg Easter Egg

Click on the cells of the table showing the facts about three women who like celebrating Easter. They each have different jobs, different skills and live in different countries.

Click a cell once for a tick and twice for a cross.

  Milly Mandy Molly
Flower arranging
Bonnet making
Egg hunting


Mandy is not good at flower arranging

The person skillful at flower arranging is not Molly

Milly is neither a Pilot nor a Nurse

The people not good at bonnet making do not live in Brazil

The person living in Italy is not a Pilot

The Nurse is not skilled at egg hunting

The Nurse lives in Brazil

The Nurse is not skilled at flower arranging

The Baker lives in Italy

Molly lives in Brazil

When the table above has been filled with ticks and crosses click the button below to see if you have successfully completed the puzzle.



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You can find many more eggcellent activities in the Easter Maths zone.


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